Recent Happenings

Recent Happenings

‘ello luf. Summer is here in full force.  Finally got the AC window units in and running, the dogs are much happier.  Yuki was surprisingly more tolerant of the heat than Bacio.  Maybe because she can comfortably lay on her back, legs spread, showing off her...
Giving a Siberian husky a bath

Giving a Siberian husky a bath

Yesterday the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Sam and the dogs were out at the park.  It was a beautiful day, but unfortunately the grass hasn’t had a chance to grow yet, so thawing bits of the park came home with us after our walk.  Where there...
Too big for a Cage

Too big for a Cage

Well, it is official. Bacio is too big for his crate. I finally got him in there and he can barely stand up inside there. You know, Bacio has always seemed tiny to me, it’s things like this that put his size into perspective. Off to find something that can...

Dog Farts vs Human Farts

C’mon anyone that owns dogs has had to deal with these.  Anyone who’s been around dogs has probably been unpleasantly surprised by a bout of dog fart at some point.  Dog Fart is no laughing matter.  They are some serious room clearing weapons.  If they...