‘ello luf.
Summer is here in full force. Finally got the AC window units in and running, the dogs are much happier. Yuki was surprisingly more tolerant of the heat than Bacio. Maybe because she can comfortably lay on her back, legs spread, showing off her goodies to the invisible people in the sky…. or anyone walking by.
I had been sleeping on the couch before the AC was running because my room was waaaayyy too hot. I noticed Bacio kind of milking it on his back leg again… It seems as though he was upset that he didn’t get to cuddle in bed with me. As soon as the AC was on and we returned to sleeping in the room, him hogging more than half the bed, the limping ceased.
In addition to air conditioning, I entered Yuki into a photo competition for local Chicago based Caninelink. They offer educational classes and seminars on dogs, getting into dog training, and consulting for people in the pet industry. To vote for Yuki you must go to their Facebook page and “Like” her picture in the Breeds 101 album. Or just click here, and like the picture.
Our last bit of news, the three of us went to New Belgium’s Tour de Fat in Chicago this weekend. It was a celebration of Beer and Bikes! I brought the pups as a way to desensitize them a bit to crowds and loud noises. They did fantastic. Bacio was much more relaxed than I thought he’d be, it was actually Yuki who was a bit more overwhelmed with the situation. They both handled it fine, and everyone wanted to be their friend. They got lots of pets, and got to meet lots of new people and doggies. My friend April snapped some pictures of the pups.

Bacio just chills in the shade. Photo: © 2013 April Yvonne

Yuki being the little pet monger she is. Photo © April Yvonne 2013

Ma, I can haz beer? Photo © April Yvonne 2013

And Yuki has had enough of this madness, we should probably go home… (she stuck her head under a bike and got grease on her fur) Photo © April Yvonne 2013