FHO Surgery Recovery – Day One

We’ve pretty much made it through the first day of Bacio’s FHO Recovery.  Let me start from getting to the vet to pick him up…

As I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed a woman walking her dog, didn’t think much of it, was more concerned about finding a spot to park because they are always busy.  After parking, I started getting out of my car and this little fluff ball was right outside my door… I tried to snag the bugger, but as the woman came running for him, he tried to bolt… Lucky for her his escape route was to leap right into my car.  She was very apologetic, but I assured her that we were both there because we were dog owners, so it’s not like there’s never been a dog in my car…

I was waiting for the vet techs to bring me my boy, and to occupy myself I said Hi to the four adorable pitties in the waiting room. Then, I saw Bacio’s head pop around the corner… He looked as terrified as ever.  Bacio didn’t see me yet, so I walked into his line of sight, and he began his whining and wiggling, making a huge scene. I loved every second of it.  He was able to limp around quite well and would let his toes touch the ground when standing still.

Bacio with his incision showing.
Bacio on the way home from the hospital.

First Day Home

Recovery Space

I really thought that he’d be more groggy, tired and in pain.  Actually, it’d probably be better if he was. He doesn’t like the idea of the crate at all. To show him it was ok, I had to go in there first and then he’d come in.  He’s also reluctant to let me help him get around.  He already wants to run around.  Keeping him and Yuki apart after he begins to recover and move around more is going to be really tough.  I’ve spent most of the day with Yuki leashed off to one side of the room and Bacio to the other. I act as buffer space in the middle and lay between them.

Daily Routine

Bacio has been able to eat and drink.  He has gone pee a couple of times and he was even able to poop tonight!  That’s a pretty big deal since he can’t really put weight on one leg and a poop position for a dog is not the most comfortable position for a pup with a sawed-off femur bone.  

So far he hasn’t licked the stitches, but I don’t know if I’m going to trust him as he starts feeling better and better.

Rehab Going Forward

As far as his rehab and recovery goes, these next two weeks he is supposed to stay very quiet.  He should only be moving around to go to the bathroom, and no stairs or jumping at all.  After the stitches come out, we get to start walking, adding more distance each day. I was told 9 weeks until he and Yuki can be left alone together. This will be the hardest part. I will keep everyone posted as things unfold and try to get more pictures and videos up.  Thanks again to every who helped in any way, even if it was just sending me a message yesterday or keeping us in your thoughts.  I’m off to make my bed floor comfortable.

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