Happy 4th Birthday Bacio!

How time flies.  It seems like not too long ago I was on the phone with my aunt, telling her that I was considering getting a second dog.  My aunt fosters for her local shelter, so I told her to let me know if they had any Great Pyrenees looking or lighter colored fur, younger, male dogs coming through their shelter.  I wanted a Pyrenees because they had white coats and at least this way the dog hair all over everything would match.

I didn’t really want to rush into getting a second dog, I wanted it to be the right dog.  I was shocked and ill prepared when my aunt called me a couple weeks later to inform me that a Great Pyrenees looking mother and her pups had been taken into the shelter and she was fostering the whole litter of puppies.  She pulled Bacio aside for me, because he was the only male with green eyes.  I wasn’t sure I was ready for a second dog, but after she emailed me a couple pictures I decided to drive down and check the lil bugger out.

It was the middle of February 2010, I borrowed my dad’s 4×4 diesel pick up truck since I didn’t want to risk a long winter drive in my Mustang.  The drive wasn’t too bad, but finding where I was going in the middle of Tennessee was tough.  Once I got to my aunt’s house, she went to the pen to get the pup that would be coming home with me.

This is my first time holding “Bazooka”. His name hadn’t been changed to Bacio yet.

The little dog was terrified of everything. Wanted to just hide under the table.  When I picked him up and held him in my lap, he peed all over me.  When he was with his litter mates he was kind of the outcast.  He just seemed so Eeyore-ish for the first few weeks.  He grew to love his older sister Yuki even if she wasn’t exactly thrilled about him being around at first.

Why did you bring this home mom?

I found out about his hip problems and vowed to save up and give him the best life he could have.  Now on his 4th birthday, we’re 2 weeks post FHO round 2, and he’s no longer the scared, timid little guy hiding under tables.  Yuki kinda loves him now, especially when she thinks no one is looking.  I’m happy that his third year of life is ending with him starting this amazing recovery.  Being 4 is going to be like the start of a new life for my little labrynees.  Happy Birthday little bear!

Bacio with his birthday presents

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